Ed Walker

Buyer & Direct Sales Team

A day in your life at Summit: Meeting customers and building relationships, also making the best cuppas (self-acclaimed).

What’s your dream ride?: Transit custom double cab with one of our bad boy kits.

When you’re not in the office, how do you like to spend your time?: A couple of scoops at the local with pals, gaming, tennis, and mountain biking.

Best thing about being part of the Summit team?: The team in general, I love them all!

Years in industry: Below 1 year

Years in the company: Below 1 year

Football team: Man United bosshh

Favourite food: Oh, Mexican food! My favourite!

Favourite drink: A steaming hot Yorkshire brew.

Favourite film: Lord Of The Rings for sure.

Favourite TV: It’s always sunny in Philadelphia.

Favourite book: Ford transit manuals.

Favourite music/band: Got to be a bit of Bob Dylan.

Favourite holiday: Shredding the gnar up the mountain in Switzerland.

Specialist subject: I’m a geek when it comes to ski’s!