Jess Lache

Vehicle Administrator

About Me

A day in your life at Summit: Lots of organising so that customer deliveries go out as smoothly and quickly as possible.

What’s your dream ride?: Ford Ranger.

When you’re not in the office, how do you like to spend your time?: Watching some sort of true crime documentary, running or baking. I make an excellent carrot cake.

Best thing about being part of the Summit team?: The team ❤.. & fat Fridays.

Years in industry: 7

Years in the company: 6 Months

Football team: Don’t follow it.

Favourite food: Italian. I live on pasta!

Favourite drink: Coffee.

Favourite film: Forrest Gump.

Favourite TV: Peep Show.

Favourite music/band: Indie but I also love Eminem & Michael Jackson.

Favourite holiday: Greece.

Specialist subject: Cats.